Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Phutureprimitive-Sub Conscious


1. Rites of Passage
2. Darkness
3. Elysium

4. Ritual
5. Spanish Fly
6. Hyper-Sence
7. Drifitng

8. Submerge
9. Dissolve

Shpongle-Nothing Lasts But Nothing Is Lost


1. Botanical Dimensions
2. Outer Shpongolia

3. Levitation Nation
4. Periscopes of Consciousness
5. Schmaltz Herring
6. Nothing Lasts
7. Schnitzl'd in the Negev
8. ...but Nothing is Lost
9. When shall I be Free?
10. The Stamen of the Shaman
11. Circuits of the imagination
12. Linguistic Mystic
13. Mentalism
14. Invocation
15. Molecular Superstructure
16. Turn up the Silence
17. Exhalation
18. Connoisseur of Hallucination
19. The Nebbish Route
20. Falling Awake

Shpongle-Tales of the Inexpressible


1. Dorset Perception
2. StarShpongled Banner
3. New Way to Say "Hooray!"
4. Room 23c
5. My Head Feels Like a Frisbee
6. Shpongleyes
7. Once Upon the Sea of Blissful Awareness
8. Around the World in a Tea Daze

9. Flute Fruit

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Daughter Darling-Sweet Shadows


1. Broken Bridge
2. Shattered
3. Let Me Speak
4. Absconding
5. Mermaid
6. Sad and Lonely
7. Things Untold
8. Voodoo Games
9. You Won't See Me
10. Sweet Shadows
11. Dust in the Wind

Underworld-Beaucoup Fish


1. Cups
2. Push Upstairs
3. Jumbo
4. Shudder/King of Snake
5. Winjer

6. Skym
7. Bruce Lee
8. Kittens
9. Push Downstairs
10. Something Like a Mama
11. Moaner



1. Silence
2. Hunter
3. Nylon Smile
4. The Rip
5. Plastic
6. We Carry On
7. Deep Water
8. Machine Gun
9. Small
10. Magic Doors

11. Threads

Tuesday, June 9, 2009



1. Get Back To Serenity (Beach Mix)
2. Relax (Blank & Jones Mix)
3. Pure Consciousness (Interlude)
4. The Moment (Short Chorus Mix)

5. Jah Ray (Jah Mix)
6. Silence (Original Mix)
7. Happiness (Interlude)
8. The Flow (Rising Riddim Mix)
9. Intuition (Touch My Hall Mix)
10. Every Minute (Oradio Mix)
11. Beauty (Album Mix)
12. Infinity (Original Mix)
13. Get Back To Serenity (J. Bar Mix)



1. Inception
2. Light My Fire

3. Beluga
4. Dress Like An Angel

5. Piper
6. Forty
7. Blink
8. Amber
9. Let It Lift
10. I.A.I.T. (Intercity Dub)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Imogen Heap-Speak for Yourself


1. Headlock
2. Goodnight and Go
3. Have You Got It in You?
4. Loose Ends
5. Hide and Seek
6. Clear the Area

7. Daylight Robbery
8. Walk
9. Just for Now
10. I Am in Love with You
11. Closing In
12. Moment I Said It

Smoke City-Flying Away


1. Underwater Love

2. Devil Mood
3. With You
4. Numbers
5. Mr. Gorgeous (And Miss Curvaceous)
6. Aguas de Março (Joga Bossa)
7. Dark Walk

8. Jamie Pan
9. Giulietta
10. Flying Away

Underworld-Oblivion with Bells


1. Crocodile
2. Beautiful Burnout

3. Holding the Moth
4. To Heal
5. Ring Road
6. Glam Bucket
7. Boy, Boy, Boy
8. Cuddle Bunny vs the Celtic Villages
9. Faxed Invitation
10. Good Morning Cockerel
11. Best Mamgu Ever

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